Since this life is such a Big Mystery, we should just find a way to learn from it and enjoy! 

A Big Mystery Meditation

1. Humans are beings of absolutely mysterious origins. Even though they study and define everything, it doesn't change the fact that they have absolutely no idea about where everything came from, or what everything is.

2. There is a Game of Life which almost all humans participate in. Like having a role in a movie, each person takes on a name, has a personal story, and plays their Character in the game. 

3. Playing the role of their Character, for humans, is a choice. At any moment, any human could choose to no longer act like their Character in the Game of Life. They could invent a new Character, or take on no personality at all and choose to live only in a present awareness. This can be understood as a voluntary amnesia.

4. Humans identify so strongly with their character that they forget that playing the character is a choice. Instead of saying to themselves, "Oh, it is only events happening to my made up character, I am really not that character, I am actually an incredible being in a mysterious world!", they tell themselves, "I am suffering and I have no escape from it!" 

5. The realization is that at any moment, anyone can move their attention and awareness away from being the Character, and move it towards the feelings of just being a conscious being. When this ability to shift attention and awareness is realized, there can be a relief from the apparent absolute seriousness of the events happening to the Character in the Game of Life. Perspective can shift when one realizes that they are a Character playing a Game, but that they are not fundamentally that Character. What they fundamentally are is a Being - a feeling of consciousness in a body - and the Being can choose not to suffer because of the events that happen to the Character.