Don't Trouble Your Mind, Whatever You Do
Don't trouble your mind, whatever you do. The alternative to not troubling your mind is troubling your mind, and that doesn't seem to make much sense, does it? These words of wisdom from the J.J. Cale song Cajun Moon are such a simple statement, but like a mantra or Zen Koan, the potential packed into a simple statement can be huge and life altering.
Whatever you do, says the song......Don't trouble your mind. So many options for you, but troubling your mind should not be one of them. Like so many other things, troubling your mind is a choice, so someone can just choose not to do that. Stay calm and try not to be affected by the situations of life.
This is part of the path towards awakening, where one can choose to be more detached from the circumstances and dramas that play out in their lives. They can choose to be more of an observer than an active, emotional participant. This doesn't mean one has to be cold and distant, just that when a situation would potentially trigger a strong negative or destructive reaction, one can remain calm and separate themselves from the emotional responses leading to a troubled mind, upsetting themselves and others, etc...
It is challenging, of course, but step by step one can practice. In a potentially troubling situation, try and put a pause on your thoughts of that moment, and remember what you are and where you are. Remember the mystery, and check out the feeling of being amazed by this creation you are a part of. All humans are part of the same big game, or experiment, or school, or a combination of all that. So being all one, we should try and be all ok with each other, and all have empathy for each other's crazy Big Mysterious situation.
It's all a matter of choice, concentration, and discipline. Make your choice and stick to it, as much as you can, without being too critical of yourself if you slip up. Don't drink or smoke or eat or whatever too much if it causes you pain and trouble. Don't trouble your mind too much. You are only in the present moment, so you can learn from the past, and plan for a nice future, but being stressed out about anything doesn't seem like a good use of our time and energy.
So as Jackson Browne wrote, and the Eagles made so famous:
Take it easy, take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy
Lighten up while you still can
Don't even try to understand
Just find a place to take your stand
And take it easy