Life Is My Gift


Life Is My Gift

This is a quote credited to the Jamaican musician Bob Marley, and though the exact words said are probably not right, the meaning is pretty clear. Just being alive and experiencing this reality can be seen as an incredible gift.

What if you didn't exist at all, would that be better than existing? What if there were no colors, no music, no forests or oceans, no other beings to share love or friendship?

You are not alone in a lifeless, loveless, colorless place.

Some of the greatest gifts in life you are born with, and the greatest gift of all is having been born, been given the opportunity to experience all of this. We don't know where we come from, or if we exist before we are born, or after we die. We don't know anything else except where we are right now. It is a challenging situation, for sure, but it is a remarkably incredible situation also.

Just being able to be alive to experience this, that is the gift.

How do you find the experience? Are you enjoying it, mostly?

How many people, right before dying, would say they wished they had never been born at all? This is an interesting question, but it seems that most everyone would have found the joyful and positive experiences and all they learned in this life to be greater than the negative experiences.

Try to right now relax, and clear your mind.

Get comfortable.

You are a consciousness in a body.

What does it feel like to be alive?

Can you feel the body buzz? Can you hear that humming sound of existing? There is always so much more, but there are always just these basic feelings of being alive.

When you can slow everything else down, and focus on these basic sensations of just existing, you can get a feeling of relaxation, appreciation, perspective, and bliss.

Relaxation from being so involved in all the things the person you are has to accomplish.

Appreciation for how nice it feels just to be alive.

Perspective that shows you life is not always all about getting things, and getting things done. Life is not just about being the person, the character, the family member, or friend, or worker.

Bliss, the natural state of Being - Love.