Ten Tenets for Living in The Mystery
1. Yes, this existence, this life, is a total and complete mystery to all of us. We ignore this fact almost all the time, but it is our situation that we have no idea where we come from or what this all is that surrounds us. In the face of these facts, we should be grateful for the experience in an amazing place, and be humble since we are just a small part and do not know how it came to be. Say Thank You to whatever created this world, be grateful you are a part of it, and be humbled by the vastness and complexity of it.
2. After staring into the Great Mystery that is everything, and being grateful and humble for our place in it, what should we do with this life? We should enjoy it! Look around at the beautiful colors, all the life, all the incredible elements that make up our environment. Clear your mind and experience what it feels like just to exist. Feel your heart beating and lungs breathing air. You are an amazing being, enjoy what it feels like to be you. You can learn to access the feeling of Pure Being, wherever you are, and bask in that Big Mysterious feeling. Enjoying life is not complicated, it can be as simple as taking a walk and feeling the movement of your body, or sharing a smile or laugh with someone else. Life may not always be a state of bliss, but don't stray too far from that state either for too long. Enjoy and appreciate this experience as You, here and now.
3. Play the game, don't be the game. Take away all your names and ideas about who you are, forget everything you know, and just look around. You are really just a consciousness in a biological machine, so don't stray too far away from that understanding. We have a name and a family and a job, we play a character with certain likes and dislikes and personality, but we don't have to do all that. Playing the character of You is a choice, and this is important to remember in case the game turns into one you don't enjoy. Not that life has to always be perfect, if it was then what would we be able to learn? But life can become consistently stressful and unhealthy, we can fall into states of prolonged sadness and suffering. In this case, remember you are playing a game, and what you really are is an amazingly built being extremely well adapted for you current situation on this planet. It is all a Big Mystery, so look around in amazement at creation, and move confidently in the direction towards Love.
4. Learn from life what it teaches you. Notice the things you do that make you feel really good, or really not so good. Notice how the world responds to your different actions and emotions. Notice that you create your reality through your beliefs and actions. It seems that we come into this existence as students, to progress and learn, so find out what it is you need to learn and go earnestly in that direction.
5. Take care of yourself to feel good. This means emotionally and physically. Treat yourself with love and kindness, give yourself a break, life is a difficult challenge!. You are here without a clear set of rules or instruction manual, you have to figure things out, so if you make mistakes forgive yourself and make positive changes. Think good thoughts toward yourself and others, everyone is in the same difficult situation, we all do better lifting each other up. Taking care of yourself also means your physical body. Your body likes to move and be strong, and it likes clean and healthy fuel. Feeling good physically makes us feel good physically, and emotionally also. When we exercise and play, we feel uplifted, and are inspired to make good choices.
6. Help others and spread love. Everyone will have a hard time, and when they do we should be there to support them and make sure they feel loved. All is Love, God is Love, these are common beliefs among humans because Love seems like the most powerful thing available to us. Fortunately it appears that Love is limitless, so go ahead and spread it! Notice if others are suffering and do what you can to help them into a more positive situation. We are all part of ONE BIG THING, even though it appears there is so much that divides us like country borders, cultures, physical differences, we are really all part of the same creation, on the same planet, so working together is really what makes the most sense.
7. Keep peace and avoid violence. The image of the spinning Earth should help make this obvious. We are all on the same planet, we are all in the same existence. We all are facing the challenge of confronting the Big Mystery of life, we are all stranded here not knowing where we came from or where we go to. We should work together to make a nice life for everything on the planet. We should avoid violence, and always look for peaceful resolutions to any situation.
8. Be fair and honest. If you are going to play the game of life, be fair and honest about it. Treat others how you want to be treated. From a practical viewpoint, being fair and honest will make your experience in this life less stressful and complicated. You will build lifelong relationships in business and friendship because of mutual trust and respect. Looking someone in the eye, giving them your word, and staying true to that creates a bond between beings. You won't have to worry about who you have been dishonest to, and the problems that will cause.
9. Contribute and be useful. Find out what is most interesting and exciting for you, and work hard to learn about that thing, get really good at whatever that is, and share that expertise and knowledge with others. Learning how to do things will make you useful and helpful to others, and give you a feeling of accomplishment.
10. Avoid overindulgence. There is much to be enjoyed in this existence, and there is a temptation to try and enjoy things excessively. Excessive is too much, and this will cause you problems. Things that are enjoyable can be overused, and the joy can be lost and bring on suffering. If you are having issues with overindulgence, it is best to give yourself a break from whatever it is, and return to it in moderation. Remember that you make your choices and decisions, you can be strong, love yourself, and act in your best interest to be healthy physically and emotionally.