What is Meditation?
Maybe it seems complicated, intimidating, boring, uncomfortable?
It doesn't have to be any of those things.
Meditation is really about clearing your mind and falling into the feeling of just being alive. This you can do whenever and wherever, no need to be sitting in a specific posture or place.
Sitting on the couch meditation?
Sure thing.
Really the idea of meditation is to break out of your regular thought patterns, relax, and experience the basic sensations of being you.
Just forget for a moment about any of your things to do, forget your name and where you live, forget about everything, all of it.
Pretend like you have a huge case of amnesia, you woke up and don't know who you are or where you are. Now look around at the world, listen to the sounds, smells, what's it like to be you? What does it feel like to be alive?
Your body is doing so much, processing so much information. You are breathing in a gas, and exhaling a different gas. Billions of tiny things in your body are doing all kinds of things to keep you alive.
Think about how fast you are moving in different directions through space - on the planet, solar system, galaxy, universe. Think about the vastness of space, the incredible microscopic world.
We don't understand barely any of it, and the biggest questions of what we are and where we are from and how it all came to be are all mysteries.
So stare into the Big Mystery and feel what it is to be a thing that exists.
Disconnecting from your day to day thoughts and focusing on these big questions and most basic feelings brings us to a state of meditation.
Thinking about the big mysteries of life can help shake us out of our regular daily thought patterns, and put us in a state of awe.
When in this state of awe you can focus on what it feels like to exist, and stay in that feeling. This is a relaxing moment, where you are now not thinking about the who you are that has to do things, and just feeling the most basic who you are.
I am alive, I exist, I can feel that. I am not cluttering this feeling of existence with other concerns, I am just enjoying the feeling of being alive, without any attachments placed on my existence. I Am, and it feels great.
This is the Hindu state of Sat-chit-ananda, translated as Being-Consciousness-Bliss.
After all, just being alive is blissful if you learn how to focus on it completely.