Who is Bashar?
The short answer? Supposedly, an extraterrestrial who is channeling/speaking through a human named Darryl Anka and wants to share wisdom about what humans are and how they can act to create a better life for all on the planet. One of his primary messages is that humans should follow the path of what most excites them as much as they can. Excitement is an indicator of what the path is for humans to be truly themselves. This is the step by step guide from his website:
Step 1
Act on your excitement, your passion, whatever is most exciting to you, in the moment. Do this every moment that you can.
Step 2
Do this to the best of your ability. Take it as far as you can go until you cannot take it any further.
Step 3
Act on your excitement/passion with absolutely no insistence, assumption or expectation of what the outcome should be.
Step 4
Choose to remain in a positive state regardless of what happens.
Step 5
Constantly investigate your belief systems. Release & replace the un-preferred beliefs: fear-based beliefs, and the beliefs not in alignment with who you prefer to be.
Bashar is from another planet where they have achieved a balance and work together so that all beings can live well and be themselves. He has the vision that this is possible for Earth also. Currently there are some on Earth who amass great fortunes and others who can barely meet their basic needs. It will be more beneficial to all, including the extra-wealthy, to create a global society where all can live comfortably from the resources of the Earth. Cultures and heritages can be shared and celebrated, but international boundaries will not be necessary.
Bashar also talks about how there will be extra-terrestrial contact within the next few years, where beings from other planets or dimensions will begin to appear and get humanity accustomed to the fact that beings from other planets/dimensions exist. Recently, at the end of 2024, there have been many sightings of orbs and objects in the skies that are currently unexplained.
Bashar has knowledge of past cultures and societies that were destroyed or otherwise vanished. He speaks of the origin of humans and the Annunaki, he speaks of Atlantis, the meaning of the Great Pyramids, and really any other topic he is asked about. He speaks in a direct and understandable manner about these topics that is very convincing to many.
His message is very positive, encouraging, and empowering for humans. He tells us that we are very powerful and we create our reality, that we have chosen to be here now, and gives us detailed instructions to create the life that is most true and exciting for us.
These are the Five Laws of Creation according to Bashar:
1. You Exist
2. Everything is Here and Now
3. The One is the All and the All are the One
4. What you Put Out is What you Get Back
5. Everything Changes Except the First Four Laws
Read more from Bashar at www.bashar.org or look for his videos and decide for yourself about his teachings and message.