The I Am Meditation
The Indian Yogi and guru, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja was instructed by his guru to relentlessly focus on the feeling of I Am.
The Indian Yogi and guru, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja was instructed by his guru to relentlessly focus on the feeling of I Am.
This is a quote credited to the Jamaican musician Bob Marley, and though the exact words said are probably not right, the meaning is pretty clear. Just being alive and experiencing this reality can be seen as an incredible gift.
Buddhism is a method for reducing or eliminating suffering for humans. There are no Gods to believe in, or leaps of faith to make, it is really just a set of recommended practices. In very current language, it is an algorithm - a set of steps one takes to achieve a result. The result in this case is the ending of suffering for humans....
Don't trouble your mind, whatever you do. The alternative to not troubling your mind is troubling your mind, and that doesn't seem to make much sense, does it? These words of wisdom from the J.J. Cale song Cajun Moon are such a simple statement, but like a mantra or Zen Koan, the potential packed into a simple...
The short answer? Supposedly, an extraterrestrial who is channeling/speaking through a human named Darryl Anka and wants to share wisdom about what humans are and how they can act to create a better life for all on the planet. One of his primary messages is that humans should follow the path of what most excites them as much...
Realization is that there is another way to experience being alive.
Maybe it seems complicated, intimidating, boring, uncomfortable?
1. Yes, this existence, this life, is a total and complete mystery to all of us. We ignore this fact almost all the time, but it is our situation that we have no idea where we come from or what this all is that surrounds us. In the face of these facts, we should be grateful for the experience in an amazing place, and ...